11 May - 1 Jun 2024

Graphics, text and live performance

Exhibition BRICK BODY at Classeværelset. Photo: Torben Åndahl

Graphics, text and live performance


BRICK BODY11 May - 1 Jun 2024

Until 1 June 2024, visual artists Pernille Kløvedal Helweg and Birgitte Ejdrup Kristensen will be showing the exhibition BRICK BODY at the artist-run exhibition space Classeværelset.
The exhibition unfolds in graphics, text and live performance. The two artists meet in a material-based dialogue about the body, memory, boundaries and history. Through the body's encounter with different materials, both internal and external boundaries are explored, as well as what arises in the body's encounter with the material.
In his book Resonance (2016), German sociologist Hartmut Rosa uses the concept of resonance to describe a way of being in contact with the outside world. Rosa writes that we need to recreate a resonance and a resonance between us humans and our world. The ambition of the exhibition is to create a resonance space where the viewer's body is 'tuned' to listen through their own body and sense the materials - bricks from Horsens State Prison and the weight of the body against lithographic stone.
Pernille Kløvedal Helweg is a field graphic designer and has a background as a body therapist. Birgitte Ejdrup Kristensen is a trained sculptor and has a degree in semiotics. In this meeting between two generations, the artists exchange experiences about the body - personal, universal, historical and political.
The exhibition is supported by Statens Kunstfond