Friday 31 May 2024 at 14 - 17

Double bill featuring two new performance works

Flowers and swine. Photo: Linnea Langfjord

Double bill featuring two new performance works


FRIISLAND LIVEFriday 31 May 2024 at 14- 17
The event is in Danish/
The event is in English

Double bill featuring two new performance works: Linnea Langfjord's FLOWERS AND SWINE presents the worlds most successful artists group from an alternative present. Kristoffer Ørum's MR SPRAY uses AI to imagine a fictional past where hip-hop and the labor movement together built the welfare state.
After the performances, feel free to hang out over a glass of wine, chat with the artists and explore Kristoffer Ørums exhibition MR SPRAY (until June 28th).
2:00 PM: Linnea Langfjord: FLOWERS AND SWINE. Linnea Langfjord explores an alternative present where various kinds of caring have taken over the art world.
Meet Group C(yclus): the world's most successful artist group, who have achieved their enormous success by being unproductive, caring, and sustainable! But who is best at caring? Who is the most sluggish? What happens if care becomes an asset one can compete on?
Concept: Linnea Langfjord
Development: Sophie Grodin, Linnea Langfjord
Performers: Laura Spottag Fog, Mette Gregersen
3:00 PM: Kristoffer Ørum: MR SPRAY is a counterfactual piece that uses AI to tell the story of a fictional relationship between the labor movement and hip-hop culture. Through scenes from an alternative Danish history, Kristoffer Ørum performs his piece MR SPRAY.
Supported by Statens Kunstfond and Østerbro Lokaludvalg
FRIISLAND performance art center


Linnea Langfjord Kristensen (1991, DK) lives and works between Amsterdam, London, and Copenhagen. Her work spans performance, text, film, and staged installations.

Kristoffer Ørum (1975, DK) is an interdisciplinary creature. Based in a basement, he works in the intersection of everyday life and hypothetical digital environments.

Kattegatvej 39
2150 Nordhavn

Opening hours
12-16 on weekdays
(call/write first)

Entry price

Level-free access - yes
Handicap toilet - yes
Free for companion - yes