The meaning of art in workplaces

Friday 31 May 2024 at 14 - 15

Are you interested in the transformative potential of art in the workplace?

Kunst På Arbejde - ART TALK . Credit: KPA

Are you interested in the transformative potential of art in the workplace?


The meaning of art in workplacesFriday 31 May 2024 at 14- 15
The event is in Danish
Registration required

Are you interested in the transformative potential of art in the workplace? Then join us for this talk where we zoom in on the question of how art installed or happening in work environments affects collaborative climate, mental health, work processes and creativity.
NOTE: Takes place at Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening, Vester Voldgade, 113, 1552 Copenhagen V
Together with Tanya Lindkvist, director of Kunst På Arbejde (KPA), Mikkel Bogh, professor and head of Center forPracticed-based Art Studies (PASS) at the University of Copenhagen and Michael Solgaard, culture editor from Dagbladet Børsen, the impact of art on organizational development as well as mental well-being of individuals is examined in modern working environments as well as the social responsibility of the workplace and acting in a changed world.
Tanya Lindkvist shares KPA's 70 years of experience in bringing art to Danish workplaces with the aim of creating space for creativity, well-being and innovation. KPA has one of the largest private art collections in Denmark with works from the 1950s to the present day.
Mikkel Bogh is professor and head of Center for Practiced-based Art Studies (PASS) at the Department of Art and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen.
Michael Solgaard is culture editor from Dagbladet Børsen and current with the book "With art as effort - meetings between business life and contemporary art" (2023).
Kunst På Arbejde

Kunst På ArbejdeKunst På Arbejde, Sølvgade 4, 1307, København K.

Level-free access - yes
Handicap toilet - no
Free for companion - yes