Ladder Space interør. Foto: Dominik Morgaś.

Ladder Space

Ladder Space is an eclectic exhibition space that encapsulates what surrounds it

Ladder Space interør. Foto: Dominik Morgaś.

In a stable building at Halmtorvet – which also functions as a studio collective - Ladder Space is an eclectic exhibition space that encapsulates what surrounds it.
Ladder Space is an eclectic exhibition space that encapsulates what surrounds it. In a stable building at Halmtorvet - which also functions as a studio collective - exhibitions and performances manifest, in addition to activities of more processual, temporary, and communal character.
The exhibition space strives to resemble how we encounter the world today, as leaping and association-driven, where we scroll through a reality that is intertwined, paradoxical and interchangeable. Instead of curating the exhibitions based on a single idea or a set frame of references or preferences, we examine the chaotic and paradoxical concept of housing many different practices under one roof and let themes and associations flow freely and weave in and out of the different activities.
The eclectic becomes a tool to generate new meanings, understandings and coherence and use this openness towards the chaotic as a method to create new forms of dialogue and add nuance and complexity to the activities and conversations that take place in Ladder Space.
Ladder Space

Ladder SpaceLadder Space
Halmtorvet 11D
1700 København V

Opening hours
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Entry price

Level-free access - no, but there is a small ramp
Handicap toilet - no
Free for companion - yes