Søren Thilo Funder: Suicide Slide (Afholdes hos AGA Works, Vermlandsgade 61)
24 aug - 10 sep 2023Betalt indhold Pressemeddelelse: SixtyEight is pleased to invite you to a two part exhibition, which presents Danish artist Søren Thilo Funder’s PhD project Oceanic Horror – or How to Survive the Night in the Haunted Mansion of Absolute Capitalism. The artistic result of this research project will be shown in parallel at two venues, bringing […]

Betalt indhold Pressemeddelelse: SixtyEight is pleased to invite you to a two part exhibition, which presents Danish artist Søren Thilo Funder’s PhD project Oceanic Horror – or How to Survive the Night in the Haunted Mansion of Absolute Capitalism. The artistic result of this research project will be shown in parallel at two venues, bringing […]

Betalt indhold
SixtyEight is pleased to invite you to a two part exhibition, which presents Danish artist Søren Thilo Funder’s PhD project Oceanic Horror – or How to Survive the Night in the Haunted Mansion of Absolute Capitalism. The artistic result of this research project will be shown in parallel at two venues, bringing together different trans-realistic narratives that revolve around the realm of high frequency trading, financialization and horror fiction in a multi-channel video installation.
At AGA Works the video piece Suicide Slide (Hand of God) is removed from the main installation and inscribed in the broader topic of the ‘På korte kontrakter’ (On Short-Term Contracts) project, conceived by artists Kaspar Bonnén and Rose Marie Frang, which focuses on artists’ working conditions and possibilities for finding studio spaces in the city. In this context, the piece comments on the increasingly large role the financial markets play in property speculation and on urban development that is focused on high returns for investors, rather than on an integrated cityscape for the citizens. It is paired with one of Funder’s earlier works, SURVIVALISM (Capital Letters), which further comments on the nature of working conditions, not only for artists but for the majority of people as we move into the deeper stages of late capitalist society.
‘På korte kontrakter’ is a multi-exhibition programme around Copenhagen. After showing at AGA Works, Suicide Slide will migrate to Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, where it will be on show in a new format along with the other exhibitions.
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