Sara Lubich: Impatience for eternity

23 May - 8 Jun 2024

Aesthetic investigation of nature’s surfaces and layers

Sara Lubich, Study #11 Marble (comfort) (Detalje) , 2024. Photo: Sara Lubich

Aesthetic investigation of nature’s surfaces and layers

The exhibition Impatience for eternity marks the release of an artist’s book based on photographic studies of the ephemeral snow and the unchanging marble. Through various photographic techniques, Sara Lubich has aesthetically investigated and explored nature's surfaces and layers, which metamorphose anew via other print techniques.
In addition to the artist's book, the exhibition displays screen printing, photogravure and photography, which in their various expressions pull and twist information out of the aesthetic, photographic studies. Studies that arose from philosophical considerations about human existence and condition.
Sara Lubich (b. 1984) works primarily with photography, printmaking and installation. She revolves around existential questions in the concrete and abstract and finds inspiration in man's inner space in relation to nature and the universe.


Bladr is a platform dedicated to exhibit, disseminate and explore the field of artists’ books. It is a nonprofit project run voluntarily by  group af artists, book lovers and art professionals.

Kilde: bladr

BladrGriffenfeldsgade 27
2200 Kbh N

Opening hours
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 16:00 - 18:00
Friday: 16:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 13:00 - 16:00
Sunday: Closed

Entry price
Free entry

Level-free access - no
Handicap toilet - no
Free for companion - yes