CANCELLED Per natura ad astra: sensory walk

Sunday 26 May 2024 at 11 - 13

A sensory walk, where visual artist Mette Borup Kristensen will guide you to sensing and connecting with nature in the city using a horoscope laid out over a map of the local area.

Mette Borup Kristensen, Natura astra, 2024.Foto: MBK

A sensory walk, where visual artist Mette Borup Kristensen will guide you to sensing and connecting with nature in the city using a horoscope laid out over a map of the local area.


CANCELLED Per natura ad astra: sensory walkSunday 26 May 2024 at 11- 13
The event is in Danish/
The event is in English
Registration required

Per natura ad astra - Through nature to the stars is a sensory walk, where visual artist Mette Borup Kristensen will guide you to sensing and connecting with nature in the city using a horoscope laid out over a map of the local area.
We meet in the exhibition 'For and nor but or yet so' in Polyteknikken, where the artist's installatory work, like the map of the local area, is based on the horoscope of the sensory walk. Since time immemorial humans have connected the movement of celestial bodies across the sky with the cycle of nature on earth, creating a relation between the earthly and the larger universe of which we are a part. A horoscope shows the position of the celestial bodies at a given time as seen from earth, and thus creates a relation between time and place.
Through our senses we connect to our surroundings, and this is the way we get to know the world from childhood. With sensory exercises inspired by eco-spiritual practices - methods the artist uses herself when gathering material for artwork, she will guide to presence and connection to ourselves and the world we are part of.
Mette Borup Kristensen is concerned with the healing potential of art in relation to the challenges we face with climate change and the biodiversity crisis. Through works that are created in deep presence with nature, she tries to restore the connection we humans, in the Western world in general, have lost to nature.
Participation is free, registration required, maximum 8 participants.

PolyteknikkenH. C. Ørstedsvej 11
1879 Frederiksberg C
Entry price

Level-free access - no
Handicap toilet - no
Free for companion - yes