Performance and talk: Brick Meditation I to VIII

Saturday 1 Jun 2024 at 14 - 15.15

Performance and talk at Classeværelset

Pernille Kløvedal Helweg and Birgitte Ejdrup Kristensen in the exhibition BRICK BODY at Classeværelset. Photo: Torben Åndahl

Performance and talk at Classeværelset


Performance and talk: Brick Meditation I to VIIISaturday 1 Jun 2024 at 14- 15.15
The event is in Danish

Performance by Birgitte Ejdrup Kristensen. Followed by artist talk with Pernille Kløvedal Helweg and Birgitte Ejdrup Kristensen.
Performance 14-14.30
Talk 14.30-15.15