Opening and performance: Remember appropriate clothing

Friday 24 May 2024 at 16 - 21

Opening and performance

Mark Tholander, A Fertile Subject For Offensive Talk, 2024. Video Still

Opening and performance


Opening and performance: Remember appropriate clothingFriday 24 May 2024 at 16- 21
The event is in Danish/
The event is in English

Opening and performance in Mark Tholander's exhibition A fertile subject for offensive talk
As a continuation of Mark Tholander's solo exhibition A fertile subject for offensive talk at c4 projects, the performance Remember appropriate clothing will be performed.
Performance at 19-19.20
In collaboration with musicians, Tholander has reinterpreted the structure of different folk songs. By placing them in a speculative scenario, the songs constitute a new soundscape that reassesses folk culture's both inclusive quality and exclusionary nostalgia. The performance is a one time only event - on the same evening as Tholander's exhibition opening - and will take place in the public space just in front of the facade of c4 projects. Everyone is welcome.
c4 projects

c4 projectsDybbølsgade 60
1721 Kbh V

Opening hours
Thu-Sat 14-17 or by appointment

Entry price
Free entry

Level-free access - regular doorstep
Handicap toilet - no
Free for companion - yes