c4 Projects. Pressefoto

c4 projects

c4 is an experimental exhibition space that approaches art, curation, and communication from a position of curiosity.

c4 Projects. Pressefoto

c4 projects is a exhibition space in Copenhagen. c4 organize and curate exhibitions that present extracts of the newest contemporary art.
c4 is an experimental exhibition space that approaches art, curation, and communication from a position of curiosity. They arrange 10-12 exhibitions per year, along with a number workshops, readings, talks and other events. c4 present contemporary art of high standard and provide exposure for younger artists from Denmark and abroad.
The exhibitions function as kick offs in the general debates concerning art and society. c4 projects grew out of the artist collective Carstengade 4 which has been organizing exhibitions at various locations in Copenhagen since 2011.
c4 projects

c4 projectsDybbølsgade 60
1721 Kbh V

Opening hours
Thu-Sat 14-17 or by appointment

Entry price
Free entry

Level-free access - regular doorstep
Handicap toilet - no
Free for companion - yes