Clara Hausmann, Kristian Suvatne Augand og Melanie Kitti

12 jan - 14 jan 2018

Udstillingsstedet Q slår dørene op for de tre kunstnere, Clara Hausmann, Kristian Suvatne Augand og Melanie Kitti.

Udstillingsstedet Q slår dørene op for de tre kunstnere, Clara Hausmann, Kristian Suvatne Augand og Melanie Kitti.


Clara Hausmann, Kristian Suvatne Augand og Melanie Kitti12 jan - 14 jan 2018

Clara Hausmann (*1990, Berlin, Germany) is currently studying at the Hochschule fuer Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig while doing exchange at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.


Kristian Suvatne Augland (*1993, Kristiansand, Norway) is graduating from the Oslo National Academy of the arts in spring 2018. He is currently on exchange at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

Melanie Kitti (*1986, Umeå, Sweden) is studying her MFA at Oslo National Academy of the Arts. At the moment she is on exchange at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. She is one of the four artists in charge of the artist run space Destiny´s Atelier in Oslo, Norway.

Kilde: Udstillingsstedet Q

Udstillingsstedet QPeder Skrams Gade 2
1054 København K

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