Iselin Toubro: No game without rivals

7 okt - 24 nov 2016

Udstilling af Iselin Toubro i Pavillonen i Charlottenborgs gård.


Udstilling af Iselin Toubro i Pavillonen i Charlottenborgs gård.


Iselin Toubro: No game without rivals7 okt - 24 nov 2016

Screening hours:
Wednesday 11-20
Sunday 11-17

Or watch the video online at:

Someplace: A young blogger arrives at a restaurant for another gastronomic evening. Just before she steps in, she stops. She never knows if it’s butterflies or anxiety that makes her stomach turn. With her hand resting on the handle she takes a deep breath and proceeds to open the door. She walks in the direction of the table that is set for her. It’s like walking down the aisle.

Meanwhile at a another place: After a late start two dancers have finally began to rehearse. They stretch and move in a symbiotic relationship on the floor, moving in harmony with the shapes of each other’s dancing bodies. But as the day wears on, it becomes clear that in order to continue dancing they will need to become limber in more areas than just their limbs.

Meanwhile at a third place: Two model builders sit in silence focusing on the model in front of them. Both of them are nearing completion. Even though they had more or less the same starting point, their models don’t look similar. Discretely they eye each other’s work, silently admiring the way the other person has thought of new ways to fit the brick onto the side of the oblong piece.

No game without rivals er en udstilling af Iselin Toubro. Udstillingen indeholder en videotrilogi: Stretchy Expectations, Lasting Aftertaste & Fragile Camouflage, der er lavet i samarbejde med Cecilie Meng, Catherine Coleman, Lea M. H. Christensen, Claudia Stræde, Shila Gaonkar, Julie Riis Andersen, Adrian Toubro, Dan Kjær Nielsen, Alberte Karrebæk, Naya Moll Olsen, Anna Lea Ourø Jensen, Julius Göthlin, Bobo Eyes og Ectoplasm Girls.


Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi og CHART har i år indgået et samarbejde om at drive en af de midlertidige pavilloner i Charlottenborgs gård videre i løbet af det kommende år. Pavillonen, der er tegnet af arkitektstuderende Emil Fabritius Buchwald og Mads Nikolaj Brandt, vil i årets løb blive brugt som udstillingssted for de studerende på Kunstakademiets Billedkunstskoler. Initiativtagerne bag pavillonens brug og drift er Jacob Alrø, Benedikte Bjerre og Cecilie Skov, som alle er knyttet til Billedhuggerskolen Charlottenborg.

Pavillonens efterårssæson starter med en udstilling af Iselin Toubro, og udstillingen er åben 7. oktober – 24. november.

Kilde: Kunsthal Charlottenborg

Kunsthal CharlottenborgKongens Nytorv 1
1050 København K

Indgang fra både Kongens Nytorv og Nyhavn

Mandag: Lukket
Tirsdag: 12:00 - 20:00
Onsdag: 12:00 - 20:00
Torsdag: 12:00 - 20:00
Fredag: 12:00 - 20:00
Lørdag: 11:00 - 17:00
Søndag: 11:00 - 17:00

Entre pris
+16 år: 90 DKK
Studerende: 50 DKK
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