Johanne Skovbo Lasgaard: Ice Cream Zombie Days

28 sep - 3 nov 2018

Ice Cream Zombie Days is Lasgaard’s third solo show at the gallery, and to prepare for this exhibition, she has been staying at a residency at San Cataldo, as well as at the Danish Art Workshops SVK for the past 3 months, working on her new series of works.

Johanne Skovbo Lasgaard: Postcards from Amalfi / Heavy Ether / Sour in the Night (detalje), 2018. Foto: Johanne Skovbo Lasgaard og Marie Kirkegaard Gallery

Ice Cream Zombie Days is Lasgaard’s third solo show at the gallery, and to prepare for this exhibition, she has been staying at a residency at San Cataldo, as well as at the Danish Art Workshops SVK for the past 3 months, working on her new series of works.


Johanne Skovbo Lasgaard: Ice Cream Zombie Days28 sep - 3 nov 2018

Ice Cream Zombie Days is Lasgaard’s third solo show at the gallery, and to prepare for this exhibition, she has been staying at a residency at San Cataldo, as well as at the Danish Art Workshops SVK for the past 3 months, working on her new series of works. Ice Cream Zombie Days is a hybrid between a poem and a docusoap about the exuding holiday culture by the Amalfi Coast; endless days melting like ice cream, states of trance and sunscreen.

Johanne Skovbo Lasgaard: Postcards from Amalfi / Heavy Ether / Sour in the Night, 2018

Johanne Skovbo Lasgaard shows a series of snapshots and watercolor postcards sent from Amalfi to the gallery over the summer, like the rituals we all do to witness our own ‘been there – done that’ to keep a souvenir from our holidays. These objects are paths into our memory and emotions, thus our body and consciousness lean on the material outcome. In basic materials and well recognizable objects Lasgaard highlights the signification between her personal childhood memories and our collective cultural tales. With an interest in the ornaments of popular culture and their relations, Ice Cream Zombie Days is formed by a series of paperworks, an oversized t- shirt and castings of pool floats of a hashtag and leaves in papier maché, that shapes like giant newspaper boats.

The sculptures all relate to the body, our rituals and sensual relations. Pool floats are items we use to keep ourselves flooded and relaxed in the pool or on the beach. At the same time, the sculptures take the shape from icons or symbolic objects in the mainstream culture. A potential transformation of the essence arises when translating or aligning text and image, upscale the size of them, and putting the icons in a new context. The sculptures are given their own logic, and they are to be perceived by the material’s own inherent quality.

Kilde: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery

Marie Kirkegaard GalleryHolbergsgade 17C
1057 København K

Niveaufri adgang - nej
Handicaptoilet - nej
Gratis for ledsager - ja

Tirs-fre 12-17.30
Lør 12-15

Lukket i juli. Åbner 18 august

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