Luna Scales: Do no harm

3 nov - 9 dec 2023

Betalt indhold Pressemeddelelse: The exhibition is centered around the video work “Minder ved berøring” (in English: “Memories by touch”). The work is based on childhood memories connected to hospital visits and medical examinations, a recurring theme in Scales’ practice that is informed by ableism and an ideological exploration of the relationship between doctor and patient, […]

© Luna Scales

Betalt indhold Pressemeddelelse: The exhibition is centered around the video work “Minder ved berøring” (in English: “Memories by touch”). The work is based on childhood memories connected to hospital visits and medical examinations, a recurring theme in Scales’ practice that is informed by ableism and an ideological exploration of the relationship between doctor and patient, […]


Luna Scales: Do no harm3 nov - 9 dec 2023

© Luna Scales

Betalt indhold


The exhibition is centered around the video work “Minder ved berøring” (in English: “Memories by touch”). The work is based on childhood memories connected to hospital visits and medical examinations, a recurring theme in Scales’ practice that is informed by ableism and an ideological exploration of the relationship between doctor and patient, both from a personal and larger cultural historical angle.

In the video, Scales has interviewed four women, all of whom have a congenital muscular or neurological disease. For that reason, the four women have been closely followed by doctors throughout their upbringing. In her interviews, Scales has been particularly interested with creating a language to describe a living condition, where the world is preoccupied with your body. This has resulted in a narrative that reaches beyond the examination room itself, and touches upon grief and vulnerability within the family, confrontational meetings with other children as well as attempts to be included on the same terms as others.

In the concurrent photo series “Gør ingen skade” (in English: “Do no harm”), Scales broadens her perspective and uses excerpts from the Hippocratic Oath. An oath that historically has been taken by new physicians, who hereby swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold a certain ethical standard in their work. The oath has been the cornerstone of medical ethics in the Western world for centuries, and through these excerpts, Scale’s focuses on a historical perspective linked to the profession of medicine as deeply associated with moral responsibility and ethical principles.

The exhibition is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation and Den Hielmstierne-Rosencronske Stiftelse.

Luna Scales (b. 1992) graduated as a visual artist from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2020. Scales’ work has been exhibited in numerous group shows both nationally and internationally, and in 2019, she had a solo exhibition at the Bonniers Konsthall in Stockholm, Sweden. Her artistic practice is primarily based on video, through which she works with the medical language and body. She explores both the poetic dimension in diagnostics and the concrete meeting and relationship between doctor and patient in order to create a language beyond the objective science of te medical field.

Dette indhold er produceret i samarbejde med et udstillingssted som en del af udstillingstedets Artguide-abonnement hos
Kunsten.nus uafhængige redaktion har intet at gøre med indholdet.

Martin Asbæk GalleryBredgade 23
1260 København K

Mandag: Lukket
Tirsdag: 11:00 - 18:00
Onsdag: 11:00 - 18:00
Torsdag: 11:00 - 18:00
Fredag: 11:00 - 18:00
Lørdag: 11:00 - 16:00
Søndag: Lukket

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