Merete Vyff Slyngborg: We are Standing Inside of a Picture
24 jun - 10 jul 2016Værelset præsenterer soloudstillingen We are Standing Inside of a Picture af Merete Vyff Slyngborg. Udstillingen gør opmærksom på dynamikken mellem kunst, design, trend-objekter og repræsentationer i overgangen mellem 2D og 3D, og undersøger den billedproducerende industris felt.

Værelset præsenterer soloudstillingen We are Standing Inside of a Picture af Merete Vyff Slyngborg. Udstillingen gør opmærksom på dynamikken mellem kunst, design, trend-objekter og repræsentationer i overgangen mellem 2D og 3D, og undersøger den billedproducerende industris felt.
The exhibition We are standing Inside of a Picture by Merete Vyff Slyngborg draws attention to the dynamics between art, design, trends object and representation, in the transition between 2D and 3D, investigating the field of the image producing industry.

Merete works for a living as an interior stylist. Days’ work becomes six shots for a lifestyle magazine. Objects are dragged in and out of vans from storehouses to locations, moved back and forth, matched and perhaps discarded in the end. It makes no difference whether it is an art book with a decorative cover, a sofa classic, a blue thingy or an actual work of art: Together they form a whole, the perfect setting for the perfect image, that must reflect something that is just about to happen – the next new.
Merete looks at design that looks at art, to render mass-produced things unique and laden with meaning, and at art, which is being styled and arranged.
The constant flux of representations, rip offs, tendencies and variations is present in the work Dressed up as Omaggio where a known old classic vase from Royal Copenhagen has been modified to look like our times new classic the Omaagio vase by the Danish brand Kähler. By this Merete points out how different styles, artistic expression and personal aesthetic intuition is inextricably linked to time, technology, social trends, ideals and (art) history.
Kilde: Værelset
1666 København V