Natural behavior

26 apr - 6 maj 2018

In the four art pieces selected for the show Natural behavior the four different artists explore imprints in a sculptural and performative way. The works all share a common interest of ways of working with nature or everyday objects that surrounds us.

Josefin Tingvall: Soft society , 2016-. Samling af print lavet med tabte handsker, silke. Foto: Josefin Tingvall

In the four art pieces selected for the show Natural behavior the four different artists explore imprints in a sculptural and performative way. The works all share a common interest of ways of working with nature or everyday objects that surrounds us.

Josefin Tingvall: Soft society , 2016-. Samling af print lavet med tabte handsker, silke. Foto: Josefin Tingvall

In the four art pieces selected for the show Natural behavior the four different artists explore imprints in a sculptural and performative way. The works all share a common interest of ways of working with nature or everyday objects that surrounds us. The artists all share a curiosity towards the medium while at the same time there is a strict ruleset in the investigation of the medium. The outcome of the working process shows the limitations and potentials of the material, body and nature. The performative way of working with nature and body forces you find in Anne Yli-Ikkelä’s work Shape of the wind and Anne Langgaard’s piece 1001 hammerstrokes. The outcome is like a trace or mark revealed in the midst of control and letting go. The body and mind challenges the elements and vice versa. In Josefin Tingvall’s ongoing project Soft society, and Lise Borup’s sculptural work Wood and concrete (fragment of Secret Garden Part 3), they approach their subject matter by imprinting and constructing the works with a fixated and formal sensation.

Kilde: EKS-rummet

EKS-rummetPrags Boulevard 61, 1. sal
2300 København S

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