Finissage: For And Nor But Or Yet So

Saturday 1 Jun 2024 at 14 - 17

Finissage at Polyteknikken

Fractals, rust drawing (close up), Maja Gade, 2023

Finissage at Polyteknikken

An exhibition by Mette Borup Kristensen, Anne Munnecke, Marie Melchiorsen, Lasse Nysom and Maja Gade. Reading by author Jesper Sternberg
The word conjunction comes from the Latin conjunctio 'connection'. 'Connection' happens when two or more relationships or things are linked to each other. Grammatically,  conjunctions are the words that connect words, clauses or sentences. For example, the seven English conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so (also known as FANBOYS).
In astronomy, two celestial bodies are in conjunction when viewed in the same direction from Earth. When the planets are in conjunction in the sky, it is the angle of view that makes it possible. In this way, the viewing angle can also be considered the connecting link. If we had seen the planets from another point of view in the universe at the same time, they would not have given the impression of being aligned, and would not have been a reason to pay particular attention. The view will therefore always be the connection between where you are and what you are looking at.
Polyteknikken is a studio and community for creative artists. The community provides the opportunity to share artistic work processes on a daily basis as well as everyday events of larger or smaller nature. The exhibition is a link between the artists' work space and the outside world, an invitation to see the artists of the community in their setting. An exhibition that shows works in the context in which they were created.

PolyteknikkenH. C. Ørstedsvej 11
1879 Frederiksberg C
Entry price

Level-free access - no
Handicap toilet - no
Free for companion - yes