Act IV – The Balcony

21 jun - 25 jun 2023

Pressemeddelelse: Ombrella invites you to join us for our fourth exhibition Act IV – The Balcony hosted by the historical Riises Landsted, Frederiksberg. We have invited: Joakim Drescher(DK), Julia Adelgren(SE), Ida Schrader(DK), Leon Bloch(FR), Axel Linderholm(SE/NL), Sophus Ejler Jepsen(DK), David Noro(DK) & Gustav Wideberg(SE) For our fourth ‘Act’, we have invited a group of artists […]

Gustav Wideberg. Foto: Emma Thunbo.

Pressemeddelelse: Ombrella invites you to join us for our fourth exhibition Act IV – The Balcony hosted by the historical Riises Landsted, Frederiksberg. We have invited: Joakim Drescher(DK), Julia Adelgren(SE), Ida Schrader(DK), Leon Bloch(FR), Axel Linderholm(SE/NL), Sophus Ejler Jepsen(DK), David Noro(DK) & Gustav Wideberg(SE) For our fourth ‘Act’, we have invited a group of artists […]


Act IV – The Balcony21 jun - 25 jun 2023

Gustav Wideberg. Foto: Emma Thunbo.


Ombrella invites you to join us for our fourth exhibition Act IV – The Balcony hosted by the historical Riises Landsted, Frederiksberg.
We have invited: Joakim Drescher(DK), Julia Adelgren(SE), Ida Schrader(DK), Leon Bloch(FR), Axel Linderholm(SE/NL), Sophus Ejler Jepsen(DK), David Noro(DK) & Gustav Wideberg(SE)

For our fourth ‘Act’, we have invited a group of artists that we think work in both large and diverse fields but share common cores of attitude. The exhibition has borrowed it’s title from the play of the same name ‘The Balcony’ by Jean Genet, hoping to reflect the scenario in a loose manner, thinking of the outside by reenacting through the artist’s practices and considerations of different moods of ‘society’ as an open poetic vision.

The Balcony sets the scene to re-investigate roles of participation in society, at Riises Landsted we invite you to engage yourself in the experience of alternately gazing back at society.

OmbrellaRiises Landsted
Allegade 5
2000 Frederiksberg

Tors - Lør 12 - 18
Søn - 11 - 13

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