David Sebastian Lopez Restrepo: Amager Pedestrians

18 maj - 27 maj 2018

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“The streets resemble pipes into which men are sucked” wrote Max Piccard in his book The Flight from God from 1951. Picard was talking explicitly about the faith and secularization of the modernity, but what if one uses his metaphor to understand the everyday life in the cities?

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“The streets resemble pipes into which men are sucked” wrote Max Piccard in his book The Flight from God from 1951. Picard was talking explicitly about the faith and secularization of the modernity, but what if one uses his metaphor to understand the everyday life in the cities?


David Sebastian Lopez Restrepo: Amager Pedestrians18 maj - 27 maj 2018

Amager Pedestrians. Pressefoto

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“The streets resemble pipes into which men are sucked” wrote Max Piccard in his book The Flight from God from 1951. Picard was talking explicitly about the faith and secularization of the modernity, but what if one uses his metaphor to understand the everyday life in the cities?

Using walk as a working methodology, David Sebastian Lopez Restrepo will create an ongoing exhibition in Eks-rummet. Together with a group of explorers, Lopez Restrepo will walk and explore the streets of Amager in the areas around Eks-rummet the week before the opening in Eks-rummet on the 18th of May. 

Throughout the show in Eks-rummet the artist invites the group to create performances, actions, workshops and instal the collected objects and images, of the places that they visited and explored on their walks.

With the collected material, Lopez Restrepo will together with the volunteered walkers create a cartography of Amager in the gallery space, so that every found object becomes part of a memory and landscape of the neighborhood, for the gallery visitors to explore.

Are the group of explorers able to unravel the more or less hidden secrets, symbols and signs on the streets by not following the routinely paths of everyday life? 

Udstillingens åbningsdage:
d. 20-21. maj kl. 14-19
d. 24-27. maj kl. 14-19

Kilde: EKS-rummet

EKS-rummetPrags Boulevard 61, 1. sal
2300 København S

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