Astrid Marie Christiansen: Soft Edge Hard Core

27 okt - 1 dec 2023

Betalt indhold Pressemeddelelse: SOFT EDGE HARD CORE is Astrid Marie Christiansen’s first solo exhibition at the gallery. The exhibition consists of 15 new sculptural paintings installed on walls and floors. The surrounding walls have tiny murals of bruises and wounds. The exhibition is about pain. Not the source of pain, but the very experience of […]

Astrid Marie Christiansen, Something Happened, 2023

Betalt indhold Pressemeddelelse: SOFT EDGE HARD CORE is Astrid Marie Christiansen’s first solo exhibition at the gallery. The exhibition consists of 15 new sculptural paintings installed on walls and floors. The surrounding walls have tiny murals of bruises and wounds. The exhibition is about pain. Not the source of pain, but the very experience of […]


Astrid Marie Christiansen: Soft Edge Hard Core27 okt - 1 dec 2023

Astrid Marie Christiansen, Something Happened, 2023

Betalt indhold


SOFT EDGE HARD CORE is Astrid Marie Christiansen’s first solo exhibition at the gallery. The exhibition consists of 15 new sculptural paintings installed on walls and floors. The surrounding walls have tiny murals of bruises and wounds.
The exhibition is about pain. Not the source of pain, but the very experience of it. In fact, it is based on AMC’s own history of chronic pain. The artworks are meant to depict how pain feels and what it should look like. How the dull everyday pains become a kind of filter through which we perceive the world. Abstract art is the only medium capable of describing abstract phenomena, like pain, with any sort of precision.
In recent years, AMC’s métier has been an idealistic, somewhat naive, quest to reveal beauty and joy in things usually perceived as boring, ugly and joyless. This has created an alternate universe for AMC where she found comfort, but at the same time gradually disconnected herself from reality.

Lately the process has evolved into a project specifically about her own experience of pain and more generally about the human condition. SOFT EDGE HARD CORE is about pain – which we flee from – and pleasure – which we flee towards.
There is a certain juvenile and superficial luxury to be found in AMC’s works; often, they resemble a Baroque dessert, which, to AMC, represents the perfect image of the perversely refined and most extravagant form of pleasure.
All this leaves the viewer with a blend of; distressed body and delicious cake, lesions and whipped cream.

Dette indhold er produceret i samarbejde med et udstillingssted som en del af udstillingstedets Artguide-abonnement hos
Kunsten.nus uafhængige redaktion har intet at gøre med indholdet.

Galleri Weinberger SchandorffVærkstedvej 36, 2500 Valby, Denmark

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