Bronte Dow: The Scream

1 dec - 31 dec 2017

ilyd’s næste udstilling er af Bronte Dow og hedder The Scream.


ilyd’s næste udstilling er af Bronte Dow og hedder The Scream.


Bronte Dow: The Scream1 dec - 31 dec 2017

ilyd’s næste udstilling er af Bronte Dow og hedder The Scream.

The Scream‘ documents my mother (Louise) and I climbing a mountain from Louise’s childhood and screaming at the top of it. We play with our voices, try to reach our vocal summits. I’m interested in screaming as a sonic reflex representative of female fear. Without the emotions that usually accompany them, our screams seem out of context, gratuitous, unnatural.” – Bronte Dow

Kilde: ilyd