Dyveke Bredsdorff: SO EMOTIONAL

14 feb - 10 apr 2018

SO EMOTIONAL is an exhibition by Dyveke Bredsdorff, where she explores the relationship between emotion and public expression in a series of cyanotype prints and a sound work using ‘camp’ aesthetics to deal with issues around mental health, queer loneliness, and lesbian identity.


SO EMOTIONAL is an exhibition by Dyveke Bredsdorff, where she explores the relationship between emotion and public expression in a series of cyanotype prints and a sound work using ‘camp’ aesthetics to deal with issues around mental health, queer loneliness, and lesbian identity.


Dyveke Bredsdorff: SO EMOTIONAL14 feb - 10 apr 2018

SO EMOTIONAL is an exhibition by Dyveke Bredsdorff, where she explores the relationship between emotion and public expression in a series of cyanotype prints and a sound work using ‘camp’ aesthetics to deal with issues around mental health, queer loneliness, and lesbian identity.


It is an investigation into the cyanotype print as a method of making negatives and imprints, making copies of fake eyelashes and queer women’s hair, and using the colour blue as a landscape, an imprint of time, and as a way of feeling. The imprints are traces, negatives, voids. It is turning your insides out and highlighting the invisible making private feelings public and thereby trying to create new feminist narratives.
The art works will have an accompanying text by Nina Marie Poulsen.

Kilde: Din Nye Ven

Din Nye VenSkt. Peders Stræde 34
1453 København K

Man 15-24, tir-ons 10-24, tor-lør 10-02
Søn lukket