Full Frontal & Friends
Fra 26 sep 2020A show for comfy ladies, fancy boys and trashy bitches, Full Frontal & Friends is a cornucopia and embarrassed that it had to tell you. It’s that moment where you’re too much yet afraid of being insufficient. Overdressed and underprepared. Imagine, if you will, the eighth worst font in the world and then make it […]

A show for comfy ladies, fancy boys and trashy bitches, Full Frontal & Friends is a cornucopia and embarrassed that it had to tell you. It’s that moment where you’re too much yet afraid of being insufficient. Overdressed and underprepared. Imagine, if you will, the eighth worst font in the world and then make it […]
A show for comfy ladies, fancy boys and trashy bitches, Full Frontal & Friends is a cornucopia and embarrassed that it had to tell you.

It’s that moment where you’re too much yet afraid of being insufficient. Overdressed and underprepared. Imagine, if you will, the eighth worst font in the world and then make it bigger. No, perhaps a little smaller. Try a different colour.
On a good day, it’s like an enveloping greeting from a well-perfumed aunt. On a bad, like the tongue of a cow.
A tribute to passing thoughts of copulation, fantastic furs and long legs, good gum and those whose whispers in our ears made us laugh. It’s something they in dead seriousness did for fun.
By and with: Milou Cantata, Maja Li Härdelin, Maja Qvarnström, and Fannie Kreissl.
Kilde: Udstillingsstedet Q.
1054 København K
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Gratis for ledsager - ja