Gray Wielebinski: Maybe the Future and the Past is All the Present is

1 maj - 31 maj 2017

Gray Wielebinski is an artist working between London and Los Angeles in collage, animation, sound, video, performance, and illustration and currently completing an MFA candidate at The Slade School of Fine Art.


Gray Wielebinski is an artist working between London and Los Angeles in collage, animation, sound, video, performance, and illustration and currently completing an MFA candidate at The Slade School of Fine Art.


Gray Wielebinski: Maybe the Future and the Past is All the Present is1 maj - 31 maj 2017

Gray Wielebinski is an artist working between London and Los Angeles in collage, animation, sound, video, performance, and illustration and currently completing an MFA candidate at The Slade School of Fine Art.
Gray is inspired by the glitch, queer temporality, podcasts, quantum mechanics, Jennifer Lopez’ Green Versace Dress at the 2000 Grammy Awards, male bonding, conspiracy theories, queering the archive, clowning, and Surrealism.

About ilyd:
ilyd is an online exhibition space based in Copenhagen, DK and London, UK. ilyd invites visual artists to make and exhibit a work in sound. New sound works are exhibited on the website monthly.
ilyd is curated by Emilie Kjaer and Dyveke Bredsdorff

Kilde: ilyd