Hannah Regel: To Have Every Cell Swirling, it Comes Out of the Way

1 apr - 30 apr 2017

ilyd presents Hannah Regel as the second London based artist to exhibit during this Spring’s exhibition program. She has made the sound work To Have Every Cell Swirling, it Comes Out of the Way.


ilyd presents Hannah Regel as the second London based artist to exhibit during this Spring’s exhibition program. She has made the sound work To Have Every Cell Swirling, it Comes Out of the Way.


Hannah Regel: To Have Every Cell Swirling, it Comes Out of the Way1 apr - 30 apr 2017

You have no idea how passionate it got down there, in my curves of worms. In the helmet of my gut. The frogs had my toes and the wind and rain made a whore of me; so used I was to the touch of strangers and their dogs upon my back. No bones, just marrow, painted shame. Irradiate: a result of slow thinning, squirming under-finger. Pliable as I. Massaging the greasy, metabolic trunk. Thump-functioning. Blind to intent.

Hannah Regel (b.1990) is an artist and writer based in London, she is currently completing her MFA in Sculpture at The Slade School of Fine Art and is also the co-editor of the feminist journal SALT.

Luke Walker (b. 1989) is a musician and writer from and based in London. He graduated from Queen Mary, University of London with an MA and BA in English Literature, specialising in the intersection of sound and modernity in modernist literature, with a particular focus on James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake. He works with sound and words.

Kilde: ilyd