Kristoffer Axén og Jacob Juhl: In the Presence of Absence

20 maj - 25 jun 2016

It is about presence and absence, and the absence of presence.


It is about presence and absence, and the absence of presence.


Kristoffer Axén og Jacob Juhl: In the Presence of Absence20 maj - 25 jun 2016

It is about presence and absence, and the absence of presence.


Presence of the almost invisible things in our daily lives that can thrill us as much as the seven wonders of the world. And absence in situations that have the potential to give us experiences for life, but which we miss out on because we are not really there. It is also about the presence of absence. The absence of the things that we cannot describe and never really understand but which we leave room for nonetheless.  The absence of that which Barnett Newman called “the sublime” – the indescribable, the infinite, the things we cannot fathom, but still try to capture in art. And sometimes when we almost succeed and an artwork has that “thing”, and hits a nerve, then we are present and are drawn into the presence of absence.

Kilde: Galerie Pi

Galerie PiBorgergade 15 D
1300 København K

Mandag: Lukket
Tirsdag: Lukket
Onsdag: 12:00 - 18:00
Torsdag: 12:00 - 18:00
Fredag: 12:00 - 18:00
Lørdag: 11:00 - 14:00
Søndag: Lukket

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