Jamboy Leasing

26 aug - 24 sep 2016

The artistic collaborative Jamboy exhibit JAMBOY LEASING – an exhibition that investigate the fragmented myth­making of the Jamboy and interpret and reenact the myth through exploring the function and demand of a Jamboy in modern society.


The artistic collaborative Jamboy exhibit JAMBOY LEASING – an exhibition that investigate the fragmented myth­making of the Jamboy and interpret and reenact the myth through exploring the function and demand of a Jamboy in modern society.


Jamboy Leasing26 aug - 24 sep 2016

According to myth a jamboy was a character introduced in the 1800 ­century colonial areas as a central part of leisure culture. When the gentry went to play golf, native young men covered in jam would follow the golfers on a distance of 20­30 meters. The jamboys would attract flies and bees to ensure a pleasurable golfing experience.


The Jamboy has never been documented, verified or visualised, but is still vigorously discussed in various contemporary forums. The exhibition both create the first aesthetic understanding and representation of a Jamboy and offer the audience the possibility of leasing Jamboys for their leisure activities such golfing, grill parties, hikes, weddings etc.

Kilde: Prince Gallery

Prince GalleryHauser Plads 16A
1127 Kbh K

Tirs-lør kl. 12-17.30
Søn kl. 12-16