Night and Day: Anastasiya Nesterova & Kateryna Svirgunenko

3 maj - 28 maj 2024

Fyns Grafiske Værksted har fornøjelsen af at åbne en udstilling med to medlemmer fra udlandet, der begge har rødder i Ukraine. Udstillingen titel Night and Day referer til det grafiske særkende, det udtrykker den bevidsthed, at uden lyset intet mørke og uden mørket er der intet lys. ”Lys er vigtigt i min grafik. Lys giver […]

Night and Day: Anastasiya Nesterova & Kateryna Svirgunenko. Pressefoto.

Fyns Grafiske Værksted har fornøjelsen af at åbne en udstilling med to medlemmer fra udlandet, der begge har rødder i Ukraine. Udstillingen titel Night and Day referer til det grafiske særkende, det udtrykker den bevidsthed, at uden lyset intet mørke og uden mørket er der intet lys. ”Lys er vigtigt i min grafik. Lys giver […]


Night and Day: Anastasiya Nesterova & Kateryna Svirgunenko3 maj - 28 maj 2024

Fyns Grafiske Værksted har fornøjelsen af at åbne en udstilling med to medlemmer fra udlandet, der begge har rødder i Ukraine. Udstillingen titel Night and Day referer til det grafiske særkende, det udtrykker den bevidsthed, at uden lyset intet mørke og uden mørket er der intet lys.
”Lys er vigtigt i min grafik. Lys giver mine værker en stemning til særlige dage og vejrforhold. Men siden krigen begyndte, har temaet "dag og nat" fået en anden betydning for mig.”
Men de to kunstnere har andre lighedspunkter, der er begge meget arbejdsomme og professionelle, derfor har de også begge vundet legater og priser for deres arbejde. Anastasiya Nesterova, er uddannet i Münster i Tyskland, hvor hun arbejder og udstiller. Kateryna Svirgunenko, der er uddannet i Ukraine, men bor i Frankrig, hvor hun arbejder og udstiller.
Udstillingen åbner d. 3. maj kl. 15-17, hvor begge kunstnere vil være til stede og alle er velkomne. Udstillingen varer frem til d. 28. maj.
Senere vil de give demonstrationer på deres grafiske teknikker under Kultur Døgnet samme aften kl. 17-21:00.
Anastasiya Nesterova
Anastasiya did her studies in Odessa, and later she did her Master of Arts in Münster, Germany. Now Anastasiya resides in Münster as an artist.
Over the past years her artistic work has mainly specialized in printmaking, specifically in color woodblock printing. The rough and original quality of the naturally grown material of the wooden printing block and the technical nature of the printing process provide many creative boundaries with which to work. The technique of the so-called "lost printing block" enables me to create a complex play of colors despite the limitation to only one single printing plate. The chemical, physical, and especially optical interactions between the inks and materials of the printing plate provide many opportunities for interplay between recurring motifs. But always the used material remains clearly recognizable in the finished picture. In the same way I experiment with the technical life of the materials in lithography, silk-screen printing and in the design production of artist's books; in all of these I incorporate these techniques and materials.
Landscape, in all its modern manifestations, is an essential part of my work. During my scholarships and study trips which have taken me to very different regions of Germany and other countries, I continually try to grasp and relate regional character to landscape peculiarities. I do not perceive nature in the sense of a traditional ‘romanticism’ but more as a cultural landscape born out of our current and past civilization. The characteristics of our civilization in my works are not disturbing factors in the landscape but essential components. The contrasting aesthetics of industrial plants, urban scenes, as well as the modern tools of agriculture and forestry, the fortified coasts, and watercourses, are all recurring motifs in my work.
Kateryna Svirgunenko
Kateryna holds a Master of Art from Taras Shevchenko State College of Art. In 2002 she received a master diploma in Graphic Art and book design from the National Academy of fine art and architecture in Kyiv. Since 1995 taking part in numerous exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad. In 2005 Kateryna became a member of the National artists’ union of Ukraine, and since 2008 also a member of Funen Printmaking Studio, in Odense.
Kateryna has worked with monotypes, photogravures, and intaglio printmaking, these are techniques she is familiar with. The major concern with the current situation in her homeland Ukraine is influencing her work of art. The ability to protect herself and her family has been her most recent topic. Since 2023 Kateryna has lived in France.
Fyns Grafiske Værksted

Hans Jensens Stræde 18-20
5000 Odense

Mandag: Lukket
Tirsdag: 11:00 - 17:00
Onsdag: 11:00 - 17:00
Torsdag: 11:00 - 17:00
Fredag: 11:00 - 17:00
Lørdag: 10:00 - 14:00
Søndag: Lukket

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