Real Realities for Real

2 mar - 30 mar 2024

Anbefalet under Det skal du se! uge 9 Real Realities for Real is an exhibition which orbits histories and ontologies — from the weight of historiography to more contingent forms of narrative such as anecdote, oral history and family photo albums. Through different artistic means, Yaniya Mikhalina and Isabella Solar Villaseca respectively pose the challenge […]

Real Realities for Real. Pressefoto.

Anbefalet under Det skal du se! uge 9 Real Realities for Real is an exhibition which orbits histories and ontologies — from the weight of historiography to more contingent forms of narrative such as anecdote, oral history and family photo albums. Through different artistic means, Yaniya Mikhalina and Isabella Solar Villaseca respectively pose the challenge […]


Real Realities for Real2 mar - 30 mar 2024

Anbefalet under Det skal du se! uge 9
Real Realities for Real is an exhibition which orbits histories and ontologies — from the weight of historiography to more contingent forms of narrative such as anecdote, oral history and family photo albums. Through different artistic means, Yaniya Mikhalina and Isabella Solar Villaseca respectively pose the challenge of coming to grips with realities as such, and not just how ‘it’ –– Reality: in the singular — comes to be represented. From the vantage point of exile and historical distance, they are less concerned with restoring truth or vindicating a better form of representation than they are with intuition and imagination.
Vermillion Sands

Tagensvej 85, kld.
2200 Copenhagen N

Tors-lør 12-15

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Niveaufri adgang - nej
Handicaptoilet - nej
Gratis for ledsager - ja