Romantic Club I. (Octopus in love)

21 okt - 5 nov 2017

Octopus in love is the first exhibition chapter of the Danish-German art project Romantic Club at c4 projects with the friendly support of the Mart Stam Society. It is featuring works by: Emilia Bergmark, Sascha Brylla, Matthias Esch, Biba Fibiger, Veronica Riget, Björn Streeck, Katrine Hoffmeyer Tougård „The octopus is the only animal that has […]


Octopus in love is the first exhibition chapter of the Danish-German art project Romantic Club at c4 projects with the friendly support of the Mart Stam Society. It is featuring works by: Emilia Bergmark, Sascha Brylla, Matthias Esch, Biba Fibiger, Veronica Riget, Björn Streeck, Katrine Hoffmeyer Tougård „The octopus is the only animal that has […]

Octopus in love is the first exhibition chapter of the Danish-German art project Romantic Club at c4 projects with the friendly support of the Mart Stam Society.


It is featuring works by: Emilia Bergmark, Sascha Brylla, Matthias Esch, Biba Fibiger, Veronica Riget, Björn Streeck, Katrine Hoffmeyer Tougård

„The octopus is the only animal that has a portion of its brain (three quarters, to be exact) located in its (eight) arms. Without a central nervous system, every arm ‘thinks’ as well as ‘senses’ the surrounding world with total autonomy, and yet, each arm is part of the animal. For us, art is what allows us to imagine this from of decentralized perception. It enables us to sense the world in ways beyond language. Art is the octopus in love. It transforms our way of conceiving the social as well as its institutions, and also transforms the hope we all have for the possibility of perceptive inventiveness.” – Chus Martinez

Romantic, the connecting element of the Romantic Club, is just a blurry feeling, an attitude towards art. It is based on personal commitment, on devotion. With the pleasure of divided understanding, the collaboration between the artists from Berlin and Copenhagen arose. A romantic relation based on exchanges rather than agreements. Like an octopus in love this exhibition presents a tangled dialogue of different artistic practices and positions in relation to the term romantic. It is a celebration of this delicate affair.

Kilde: c4 projects


Dybbølsgade 60
1721 Kbh V

Tors-lør 14-17 eller efter aftale

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