Laura Heyman in Senko Studio, Viborg, Denmark.
The title of the exhibition is The Photographer’s Wife and behind the expression is the fact, that a lot of photographers in the past art history have used their wives as models. In the current exhibition we are witnessing a deliberate illusion. Laura Heyman stages herself as a possible female model. In reality we are talking about self portraits.

There is a very fine mood and balance in the six selected photos. It all seems very casual, but if you take a closer look it is obvious that all the colours match, and the female model is placed in a special posture. You sense at once, that this is not a male photographer. The feminist element breaks through in a matter that is unmistakable but hard to explain.
The model’s tale
The six photos are accompanied by a video and a text. And here you see another illusion. The female model tells a little story about a photo session in Rome, where the special role of the woman as a model is underlined. The text is almost put up as a contrast to the fine simple photos on cotton paper.

The female in the photos is shown as a self confident and clarified Madonna with a cool magnetism and a sensual feminine approach. It is a simple but convincing exhibition, showing the importance of the photo as a very import part of the art scene especially with a person like Laura Heyman behind the camera.
The Photographer's Wife
29 mar 2008 27 maj 2008
Laura Heyman
Senko Studio Se kort og tider