In 2025, Hans Alf Gallery will expand their gallery activities with an additional space at Tordenskjoldsgade 21, adjacent to the main gallery. The new space will be inaugurated with the fifth edition of the annual winter group show.
Spanning the entire gallery, The Great Big Winter Show #5 presents works by a selection of the gallery's represented artists, and introduces new names to the gallery. Loosely connected by motif, material and artistic tradition, the artists form a chorus of distinct and disparate voices, reflecting on the year that has passed and the year that is yet to come.

Erik A Frandsen, Sunflowers, 2024, mixed media on paper, framed 100 x 70 cm. Foto: Hans Alf Gallery.

Magnus Fisker, Sange fra have 1, 2023, oil on canvas, 200 x 400 cm. Foto: Hans Alf Gallery.

Mie Olise Kjaergaard, Fast Forward Riders Along, 2024, acrylics on canvas, 80 x 100 cm. Foto: Hans Alf Gallery.

Armin Boehm, Jazz, 2024, oil and fabric on canvas, 150 x 130 cm. Foto: Hans Alf Gallery.

Deborah Brown, Fruit Bowl with Bjoern Wiinblad Vase and Bakelite Radio, 2024, oil on canvas, 122 x 122 cm. Foto: Hans Alf Gallery.

Erik A Frandsen, Sunflowers, 2024, mixed media on paper, framed 100 x 70 cm. Foto: Hans Alf Gallery.

Jonas Burgert, Stuck Schmutz Gluck, 2024, oil on canvas in wooden frame, 70 x 60 cm. Foto: Hans Alf Gallery.

Magnus Fisker, Sange fra have 1, 2023, oil on canvas, 200 x 400 cm. Foto: Hans Alf Gallery.

Mie Olise Kjaergaard, Fast Forward Riders Along, 2024, acrylics on canvas, 80 x 100 cm. Foto: Hans Alf Gallery.

Anders SCRMN Meisner, Moonstruck Waterlilies, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 105 x 90 cm. Foto: Hans Alf Gallery.

Anna Sofie Jespersen, Greg, 2024, oil on canvas, 23 x 23 cm. Foto: Hans Alf Gallery.

Armin Boehm, Jazz, 2024, oil and fabric on canvas, 150 x 130 cm. Foto: Hans Alf Gallery.

Astrid Specht Seeberg, Float Prints, 2025, 45 x 43 x 20 cm. Foto: Hans Alf Gallery.

Christian Lemmerz, Auferstehung, 2024, acrylics on canvas, 198 x 180 cm. Foto Hans Alf Gallery.