Danish Collages in Senko Studio
A lot of people in Denmark know Sviatchenko as an artist expressing himself through abstract landscapes.

A lot of people in Denmark know Sviatchenko as an artist expressing himself through abstract landscapes.
Less known is his devotion for collages. But in his own gallery some of the best Danish collage artists will be shown until February 17th.
Sergei Sviatchenkos interest in collages goes way back to his years in Ukraine in the beginning of the 1980’s, where he produced a lot of inspiring collages, and caught the interest of many people interested in art. He has kept his devotion and love for this special expression, and to him it is quite natural to devote time and energy to three exhibitions of collages in Senko Studio from 2008-2010. Hopefully the exhibitions will open the eyes of the responsible authorities and make Sergei Sviatchenko’s plan for a collage centre in Viborg, Denmark possible
First exhibition
Collage exhibition nr. 1 will be followed by a second and third collage show in 2009 and 2010. The second will include Scandinavian artists and the last international artists. Curators are Anders Benmouyal and Christian Foghmar, and they have decided to show some of the old masters and a few forgotten artists and a few younger artists will also participate.

Plans for the future
The exhibition was opened by the chairman of the cultural committee in Viborg Per Moeller Jensen, and he emphasized that the special thing about collage is the possibility of taking things out of the context an d creating a new reality by putting different things together in a new universe. He also mentioned Sergei Sviatchenkos ideas about an international centre for collage art in Viborg. An idea that will be discussed later between the artist and the local authorities.

The artists
16 artists have been picked for this exhibition, and it is hard to mention not all of the artists in this exiting presentation.
But there are some fine works from Jesper Fabricius, Knud Odde, Chistian Vind, Svend-Allan Sørensen and veterans Sven Hauptmann and Albert Mertz.
Mette Winkelmann and Mette Gitz-Johansen tell us that even small collages can fill up a room. That is impressive.
The host Sergei Sviatchenko shows two pieces, which easily could be blown up many times its size without loosing the intensity.
The other participating artists are Poul Jupont, Kirsten Otzen Keck, Heine Kjærgaard Klausen, Konvoj, Jørgen Carlo Hansen, Viggo Madsen and Kirstine Roepstorff.
Danish Collages in Senko Studio
Jesper Fabricius, Knud Odde, Chistian Vind, Svend-Allan Sørensen, Sven Hauptmann, Albert Mertz, Poul Jupont, Kirsten Otzen Kock, Heine Kjærgaard Klausen, Konvoj, Jørgen Carlo Hansen, Viggo Madsen, Kirstine Roepstorff, Sergei Sviatchenko
Senko Studio Se kort og tider
Sergei Sviatchenko's own collages are often published in international design and art magazins and last year he received the D&AD Yellow Pencil Award "for outstanding achievement". He has also made numerous exhibitions with his own collage art. Among others Darwin - my friend at Galleria Artuarte (Italy 2005), You are not the only one at Filosofgangen (Odense 2006), Rather Gentle Stereotype at Galleri Spark (Copenhagen 2007). This year Sergei will have an exhibition at Galleri Image in Århus.